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Ep 90. Listener Story: Moving countries, paying off debt and increasing your income

PLEASE NOTE: the audio for this episode isn’t great (we’re so sorry!). The next Listener Stories are much better. Kate and Owen are sorry — please, we’ve only been doing this… 3 years!

About this episode:

In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate and Owen interview podcast listener Renee, in our very first community story interview. Renee kindly shares her inspiring story of moving countries, paying off debt and increasing her income.

This interview is the first of our listener stories, which we are publishing as part of our overall Financial Resilience Mission.

To submit your own story, or email us!


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  • LISTENER DISCOUNT: we are offering $100 off all of our premium investment memberships and courses  – use code ‘AFP‘ at checkout and click here to learn more.

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