Are you seeing this ugly beast every time you log into one of Rask’s website services?

This is an error we’ve come across twice and we’ve been sourcing expert help to try and beat this bug.

No-one is certain what causes it. However, here are a few steps we know for sure could help:

  1. Disconnect from your WIFI connection (and/or momentarily turn off your mobile signal)
  2. Close your browser’s tab and windows — even this one — hint: open this page elsewhere or in ‘incognito mode’
  3. Try clearing your web browser memory or cached files
  4. Open the following login links (depending on where you want to go) and try again:

If that doesn’t work, try:

No luck?

We believe this issue might also be caused by outdated browsers or tight security settings in a web browser, so please ensure your web browser accepts cookies — i.e. you haven’t blocked them.

Reach out to us if you have any more issues.

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